Our office is dedicated to protecting the lives of the citizens and visitors to the City of Benton by providing the highest quality of fire prevention, fire education, and fire investigations through the enforcement of the currently adopted fire co
Kreuser, Linda - Secretary
Perry, Jeremy - Fire Captain
Rostan, Benjamin - Engineer
Tittle, Bryson - Battalion Chief
Besancon, Heston - Firefighter
Blaylock, Jess - Firefighter
Chitwood, Jay - Assistant Chief
Creasey, Jacob - Firefighter
Finkbeiner, Tate - Engineer
Gilbert, Dajuan - Firefighter
Godbold, Timothy - Captain
Golbek, Christopher - Firefighter
Gregory, Justin - Captain
Harlan, Jacob - Training Chief
Henderson, Tyler - Firefighter
Hill, Jerry - Firefighter
Hill, Craig - Fire Marshall
James, Aaron - Firefighter
Johnson, Michael - Captain
Johnson, Jonathan - Engineer
Jones, Patrick - Enigineer
Krticka, Zachary - Engineer
Mahan, Billy - Battalion Chief
McClendon, Zachary - Firefighter
McGraw, Farrell - Engineer
Ridgeway III, William - Engineer
Trickler, Jeff - Engineer
Tucker, Daniel - Engineer
Wright, Randy - Battalion Chief
Our mission is to make everyone in Arkansas believe, as we do, that Benton is the best place in the state to live, work, and play.
Thibault, Matt - Marketing/Special Events
Jones, Stephanie - Director of Parks & Recreation
Rodemeyer, Junior - Assistant Director
Griffin, Jessica - Administrative Assistant
Nelsen, Adam - Aquatics Director
Grist, Ryan - Recreation Manager
Rollins, Tyler - Special Events Manager
Martin, Scott - Groundskeeper Superintendent
Johnson, Russell - Facility Maintenance Superintendent
Beckwith, Ladonna - Front Desk Attendant
Milks, Jan - Front Desk Attendant
Dobbins, Jineen - Part-Time Front Desk Attendant
Spurlock, Brandon - Special Events Programmer
Richardson, Alex - Recreational Programmer
Brown, Lauren - Recreation Programmer
Meyer, Jon - Horticulturalist
Jenkins, Austin - Sports Field Foreman
Rossini, Jamie - Spray Tech
Owens, Gary - Grounds Crew
Vidrine, Mandi - Custodian
McDonald, Mattie - Recreation Programer
Major functions of the department include: minor street resurfacing, street sweeping, mowing public right-of-ways, and overall street maintenance.
Richey, John - Street Department Director
Isom, Tanya - Administrative Assistant
Stroud, Doyle - Street Dept. Assistant Director