We want to thank everyone for conserving water during the current situation. The latest reports from the City of Benton, City of Haskell and Southwest Water Users Association is that while the systems are not at full capacity things are continuing to improve. We need to continue water conservation through Sunday in order to give the systems the opportunity to reach full capacity.

At the same time, the National Guard water mission will be ending today (Tuesday) at 5 PM. If citizens from the affected areas need drinking water, we recommend you bring containers to our two filling stations before those areas close today. The locations are as follows:

Location #1 Benton River Center

1069 Airlane Drive

Benton AR. 72015

Location #2 Tinseltown Theater

17314 I-30

Benton AR. 72019

Again, thanks to everyone for continuing to conserve as the water situation is being resolved. Please continue to observe water boil notices procedures if your area is under a boil order. Contact your water provider for more information and updates.

City of Benton

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